Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Final Exam - Essay Example Like men make no effort to prevent war and genocide, people need to increase public understanding (Cooper 2009). It is primarily because of men’s effort that war deaths declined so dramatically in the second half of the last century. Similarly, in her book The Girl with the Brown Crayon Vivian Paley represents black child, five year aged Reeny, and has the last say on what is good. In this light, there are important lessons that we discover from Paley’s pedagogy of equality when the reality that children along with teacher do not look alike introduces an obstacle to effectual instruction or an opportunity for teacher development. Paley clearly admires and teaches from Lillian Tully, an African American teacher, whose childhood stories in the segregated South form the core of her pedagogical approach. Any examination of Vivian Paley’s pedagogy of equality must give a well-known responsibility to her compositions as either a black children or white teacher, reflect ing the time Paley spent. Live The most Romantic Music Art chronicle that continues and discontinues from the classical to Romantic styles in art and music are found in live. As in the case in point, live describes how issues associated with romanticism, nationalism and environmentalism, have continued to be part of contemporary Western civilization’s intellectual heritage (Cooper 2009). Classical, romantic and contemporary music was a living organism both dynamic and diverse. Furthermore, music stretched from work songs and spirituals to protest commercial hillbilly and race recordings. Those who engaged in the art, therefore, believed in recording music that transformed access to authentic folk song. Part of a set of folklore is breathing, developing and changing thing, and a folk song sang through words and tunes, only symbolizes its exceptionally static fashion of a myriad-voiced reality of individual songs. It brought out a people’s way of life. The basement activ ities in which bands and crews were killing resulted in the most fascinating pieces of art. In fact, in the course of their preparation time, they thought that nobody will be concerned with hearing what they had prepared, but they were amazed to hear people singing part of their songs in holding hands and acting as the motivator for their freedoms (Cooper 2009). What individuals could hear, within this context, were the songs as they exist on the lips of the folk singers. Even as, Frederic Chopin promoted classical, romantic, and contemporary music as an ever-evolving genre, the entertainers insisted at the same time on the goal of authenticity. In performance style that meant the painstaking mastery of the skills displayed by the little-known geniuses on his library of congress recordings, but it also implied a level of commitment, an emotional investment. In my opinion, Frederic Chopin performing these pieces saw music as a living organism both dynamic and diverse. Furthermore, mu sic stretched from work songs and spirituals to protest commercial hillbilly and race recordings. The entertainers, with regard to the subject matter, believed in recording music that transformed access to dependable songs. At a quick glance, it appears that the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on rationalism, and Romanticism, with its stress on emotions, is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reusability of Code Essay Example for Free

Reusability of Code Essay Designing a code can often take a lot of time, depending on the complexity of the coding. This is why code reusability has become a standard when it comes to computer programming. But to understand why you would reuse code, you need to understand what goes into creating code. This essay will compare and contrast procedural programming modules and objects. Also, it discuss the security terms in hiding code, passing of data versus data encapsulation, code reuse in more than one program, and how object-oriented methods are similar to procedural modules. According to Gaddis (2010) there are two methods of programming that are primarily used: Object-oriented and Procedural. Procedural programming is more focused on creating procedures; object-oriented programming is focused on creating objects. When dealing with procedures, the data items are separate from the procedures. Gaddis (2010) says this can cause problems, but at the same time it will help the program become larger and more complex. But where procedural programming separates code and data, object-oriented programming handles it through encapsulation and data hiding. Encapsulation takes an object and combines data and code into it. Data hiding makes it possible to hide code in the inside of an object from the code outside of the object. An object normally hides its data, but leaves the methods available for access. Gaddis (2010) states, â€Å"When an object’s internal data is hidden from outside code and access to that data is restricted to the object’s methods, the data is protected from accidental corruption.† There is also no reason to worry about formatting of the code inside the object, just the methods of the object. If you want to reuse codes, the best way to do it is to create modules. They let you duplicate code in a program so that you can execute whenever you  need the service. The Microsoft website (What Is Reusable Code?, 2013) says that code reusability can be used if the code doesn’t have to modified, and can perform a specific service regardless of what the application uses it. It just can be too complex of a code. Just as we use standards in everyday life, there are standard code that is used with computer programs. Venit and Drake say (2011) that inheritance goes along with code reusability. Inheritance takes the methods and attributes from old classes and uses them in new ones. In conclusion, there are different aspects between object-oriented programming and procedural programming. These two methods have different ways of functioning within a program. And as long as a code isn’t to complex, code reuse is very possible. References Gaddis, T. (2010). Starting Out with Programming Logic Design (Second Edition ed.). Addison-Wesley. Microsoft. (2013). What Is Reusable Code? Retrieved from Venit, S., Drake, E. (2011). Prelude Programming Concepts and Design (Fifth Edition ed.). Addison-Wesley.

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Analysis of the Legality of Abortion :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

An Analysis of the Legality of Abortion In Abortion and Social Justice, Dennis Horan, J.D. et alii argue "The Legal Case For the Unborn Child": Abortion is not a private matter. The destruction of human life, even 'incipient' or developing human life in the womb, can never be considered a private matter under our law. The contention that it is a private matter would be too ludicrous and absurd to even argue were it not so often put forth under such intellectually impeccable auspices. Would those civil libertarians who argue that abortion is a private matter, argue that the exercise of civil rights is purely a private matter between the Black man and the man that thwarts them? Certainly not. Just as the civil right to vote must be protected by law, so too the most fundamental and basic of all civil rights - the Right to Life - must be protected by law.(105) In her book, Abortion and Dialogue: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and American Law, Ruth Colker explains why Roe v. Wade is considered an "activist" decision: Second, it [Roe v. Wade]set the tone for how activist the Court would be in our lives. Rather than simply rule for the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, thereby invalidating the challenged Texas abortion statute, the Court outlined the parameters of a constitutional abortion statute. In other words, the Court drafted a model statute rather than simply striking down the Texas statute. Such judicial involvement in legislative activity is considered to be highly activist because the Court, in a sense, is displacing the legislature's role in society. Such activisim is often criticized for interfering with legislative dialogue, because the judiciary, an undemocratic institution, has substituted its judgment for that of the legislature. (102) Former president Ronald Reagan in his book, Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation, states how the Roe v. Wade decision is a violation of the Constitution: Make no mistake, aboriton-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. No serious scholar, including one disposed to agree with the Court's result, has argued that the framers of the Constitution intended to create such a right. Shortly after the Roe v. Wade decision, Professor John Hart Ely, now Dean of Stanford Law School, wrote that the opinion "is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be." Nowhere do the plain words of the Constitution even hint at a "right" so sweeping as to permit abortion up to the time the child is ready to be born.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reaction Paper on Prejudice and Discrimination

The world that we live in today, although improving, is tainted with cruelty and hatred toward different races. Usually, we have stereotypes about people who are members of groups with which we have not had firsthand contact. We regularly make these stereotypical generalizations based on experiences we have had ourselves, seen in movies or television, read about in books and magazines, or have had related to us by family and friends. Though all these are equally significant roots for the stimulation of stereotypes, media however, is a giant force.When thinking of the topics or behaviors of prejudice and stereotyping, I synonymously think of the movie â€Å"Crash,† which exposes different kinds of social and multicultural differences, giving a quick example of how these conducts can affect a society. These behaviors are viewed as thoughts and feelings that almost everyone has felt more than once. In the first scene of the movie, a  Muslim  man inside a firearm store is atte mpting to buy a gun. The owner is a white Caucasian male that presents a negative attitude towards the customer because of his Muslim background.This feeling triggers in the owner, negative attitudes based on the assimilation and stereotypes with the Muslim race. Being immediately associated with the Al Qaeda terrorist group, which was responsible for suicidal bombers that have killed thousand of Americans. This negative attitude and violence observed in this particular scene, is an example of prejudice, known as a negative feeling and predisposition of behavior towards a group or any member belonging to that group.This is an issue not only found in America but in the whole world. In our  global  economy requiring functional and respectful relationships between nations, prejudice and stereotypes can be a destructive force both in the world and in individual societies, especially in diverse ones. Acting on ones hatred can lead to behavior to what we now in days call â€Å"hate c rime†, such as in the scene where they break into the Muslim's man business and vandalize the place completely.Such acts can lead us to many disgraces even death. This movie shows us the different point of view of people in our society, it gives us an insight of the stereotypes we have build within our society, within the world. It invites us to see and understand how such a small stereotype and negative attitude can go a long way and affect people in different ways. Prejudice is found between gender, religion, cultural, geographical background, and race.People have discriminated against others based upon these attributes. Besides, prejudice is largely a function of ignorance. Today, there are so many different people in this world that stereotypes are almost always incorrect, as many people choose not to be followers, but to be individuals. Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians, and all other ethnic groups need to look past each other's physical characteristics and start looking inside a person to see who they truly are.After all, personalities do not lie on the outside of one's body, but in one's mind. I believe that society needs to raise today's children to accept all people, no matter what they do or do not believe in or what color skin they may have. In order to reduce prejudice and discrimination, it is considered that education for children is very important. For example, exchange student program that includes not only the one between different countries but also the one between different communities within the same area.If children are raised around people who are not the same as they are in school or community, then they will most likely not think anything different of people who do not look the same as them or believe what they believe. If humanity raises their children to believe all people are equal from the beginning, then prejudice will slowly disintegrate over time. The world needs to focus on not judging people before they kno w them for who they are. It is very important to let children have opportunity to know the differences and to be interested in differences because ignorance is the biggest source of prejudice

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Nine

â€Å"Well, at least I didn't get taken over,† Bonnie said. â€Å"But I'm sick of this psychic stuff anyway; I'm tired of the whole thing. That was the last time, absolutely the last.† â€Å"All right,† said Elena, turning away from the mirror, â€Å"let's talk about something else. Did you find anything out today?† â€Å"I talked with Alaric, and he's having another get-together next week,† Bonnie replied. â€Å"He asked Caroline and Vickie and me if we wanted to be hypnotized to help us deal with what's been happening. But I'm sure he isn't the Other Power, Elena. He's too nice.† Elena nodded. She'd had second thoughts about her suspicions of Alaric herself. Not because he was nice, but because she had spent four days in his attic asleep. Would the Other Power really have let her stay there unharmed? Of course, Damon had said he'd influenced Alaric to forget that she was up there, but would the Other Power have succumbed to Damon's influence? Shouldn't it be far too strong? Unless its Powers had temporarily burned out, she thought suddenly. The way Stefan's were burning out now. Or unless it had only been pretending to be influenced. â€Å"Well, we won't cross him off the list just yet,† she said. â€Å"We've got to be careful. What about Mrs. Flowers? Did you find out anything about her?† â€Å"No luck,† said Meredith. â€Å"We went to the boardinghouse this morning, but she didn't answer the door. Stefan said he'd try to track her down in the afternoon.† â€Å"If somebody would only invite me in there, I could watch her, too,† Elena said. â€Å"I feel like I'm the only one not doing anything. I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She paused a moment, considering, and then said, â€Å"I think I'll go by home-by Aunt Judith's, I mean. Maybe I'll find Robert hanging around in the bushes or something.† â€Å"We'll go with you,† Meredith said. â€Å"No, it's better for me to do it alone. Really, it is. I can be very inconspicuous these days.† â€Å"Then take your own advice and be careful. It's still snowing hard.† Elena nodded and dropped over the windowsill. As she approached her house, she saw that a car was just pulling out of the driveway. She melted into the shadows and watched. The headlights illuminated an eerie winter sight: the neighbors' black locust tree, like a bare-branched silhouette, with a white owl sitting in it. As the car roared past, Elena recognized it. Robert's blue Oldsmobile. Now, that was interesting. She had an urge to follow him, but a stronger urge to check the house, make sure everything was all right. She circled it stealthily, examining windows. The yellow chintz curtains at the kitchen window were looped back, revealing a bright section of kitchen inside. Aunt Judith was closing the dishwasher. Had Robert come to dinner? Elena wondered. The yellow chintz curtains at the kitchen window were looped back, revealing a bright section of kitchen inside. Aunt Judith was closing the dishwasher. Had Robert come to dinner? Elena wondered. Elena wished she could see more than just her aunt's profile in the flickering light of the TV. It gave her a strange feeling to look at this room, knowing that she could only look and not go in. How long had it been since she realized what a nice room it was? The old mahogany whatnot, crowded with china and glassware, the Tiffany lamp on the table next to Aunt Judith, the needlepoint pillows on the couch, all seemed precious to her now. Standing outside, feeling the feathery caress of the snow on the back of her neck, she wished she could go in just for a moment, just for a little while. Aunt Judith's head was tilting back, her eyes shutting. Elena leaned her forehead against the window, then slowly turned away. She climbed the quince tree outside her own bedroom, but to her disappointment the curtains were shut tight. The maple tree outside Margaret's room was fragile and harder to climb, but once she got up she had a good view; these curtains were wide open. Margaret was asleep with the bedcovers drawn up to her chin, her mouth open, her pale hair spread out like a fan on the pillow. Hello, baby, Elena thought and swallowed back tears. It was such a sweetly innocent scene: the nightlight, the little girl in bed, the stuffed animals on the shelves keeping watch over her. And here came a little white kitten padding through the open door to complete the picture, Elena thought. Snowball jumped onto Margaret's bed. The kitten yawned, showing a tiny pink tongue, and stretched, displaying miniature claws. Then it walked daintily over to stand on Margaret's chest. Something tingled at the roots of Elena's hair. She didn't know if it was some new hunter's sense or sheer intuition, but suddenly she was afraid. There was danger in that room. Margaret was in danger. The kitten was still standing there, tail swishing back and forth. And all at once Elena realized what it looked like. The dogs. It looked the way Chelsea had looked at Doug Carson before she lunged at him. Oh, God, the town had quarantined the dogs, but nobody had thought about the cats. Elena's mind was working at top speed, but it wasn't helping her. It was only flashing pictures of what a cat could do with curved claws and needle-sharp teeth. And Margaret just lay there breathing softly, oblivious to any danger. The fur on Snowball's back was rising, her tail swelling like a bottle brush. Her ears flattened and she opened her mouth in a silent hiss. Her eyes were fixed on Margaret's face just the way Chelsea's had been on Doug Carson's. Margaret's face just the way Chelsea's had been on Doug Carson's. But the snow, settling like a blanket around her, seemed to deaden the words into nothingness. A low, discordant wail was started in Snowball's throat as it flicked its eyes toward the window and then back to Margaret's face. â€Å"Margaret, wake up!† Elena shouted. Then, just as the kitten pulled back a curved paw, she threw herself at the window. She never knew, later, how she managed to hang on. There was no room to kneel on the sill, but her fingernails sank into the soft old wood of the casing, and the toe of one boot jammed into a foothold below. She banged against the window with her body weight, shouting. â€Å"Get away from her! Wake up, Margaret!† Margaret's eyes flew open and she sat up, throwing Snowball backward. The kitten's claws caught in the eyelet bedspread as it scrambled to right itself. Elena shouted again. â€Å"Margaret, get off the bed! Open the window, quick!† Margaret's four-year-old face was full of sleepy surprise, but no fear. She got up and stumbled toward the window while Elena gritted her teeth. â€Å"That's it. Good girl†¦ now say, ‘Come in.' Quick, say it!† â€Å"Come in,† Margaret said obediently, blinking and stepping back. The kitten sprang out as Elena fell in. She made a grab for it, but it was too fast. Once outside it glided across the maple branches with taunting ease and leaped down into the snow, disappearing. A small hand was tugging at Elena's sweater. â€Å"You came back!† Margaret said, hugging Elena's hips. â€Å"I missed you.† â€Å"Oh, Margaret, I missed you-† Elena began, and then froze. Aunt Judith's voice sounded from the top of the stairs. â€Å"Margaret, are you awake? What's going on in there?† Elena had only an instant to make her decision. â€Å"Don't tell her I'm here,† she whispered, dropping to her knees. â€Å"It's a secret; do you understand? Say you let the kitty out, but don't tell her I'm here.† There wasn't time for any more; Elena dived under the bed and prayed. From under the dust ruffle, she watched Aunt Judith's stocking feet come into the room. She pressed her face into the floorboards, not breathing. â€Å"Margaret! What are you doing up? Come on, let's get you back in bed,† Aunt Judith's voice said, and then the bed creaked with Margaret's weight and Elena heard the noises of Aunt Judith's fussing with the covers. â€Å"Your hands are freezing. What on earth is the window doing open?† â€Å"And now there's snow all over the floor. I can't believe this†¦ Don't you open it up again, do you hear me?† A little more bustling and the stocking feet went out again. The door shut. Elena squirmed out. â€Å"Good girl,† she whispered as Margaret sat up. â€Å"I'm proud of you. Now tomorrow you tell Aunt Judith that you have to give your kitty away. Tell her it scared you. I know you don't want to†-she put up a hand to stop the wail that was gathering on Margaret's lips-â€Å"but you have to. Because I'm telling you that kitty will hurt you if you keep it. You don't want to get hurt, do you?† â€Å"No,† said Margaret, her blue eyes filling. â€Å"But-â€Å" â€Å"And you don't want the kitty to hurt Aunt Judith, either, do you? You tell Aunt Judith you can't have a kitten or a puppy or even a bird until-well, for a while. Don't tell her that I said so; that's still our secret. Tell her you're scared because of what happened with the dogs at church.† It was better, Elena reasoned grimly, to give the little girl nightmares than to have a nightmare play out in this bedroom. Margaret's mouth drooped sadly. â€Å"Okay.† â€Å"I'm sorry, sweetie.† Elena sat down and hugged her. â€Å"But that's the way it has to be.† â€Å"You're cold,† Margaret said. Then she looked up into Elena's face. â€Å"Are you an angel?† â€Å"Uh†¦ not exactly.† Just the opposite, Elena thought ironically. â€Å"Aunt Judith said you went to be with Mommy and Daddy. Did you see them yet?† â€Å"I-it's sort of hard to explain, Margaret. I haven't seen them yet, no. And I'm not an angel, but I'm going to be like your guardian angel anyway, all right? I'll watch over you, even when you can't see me. Okay?† â€Å"Okay.† Margaret played with her fingers. â€Å"Does that mean you can't live here anymore?† Elena looked around the pink-and-white bedroom, at the stuffed animals on the shelves and the little writing desk and the rocking horse that had once been hers in the corner. â€Å"That's what it means,† she said softly. â€Å"When they said you went to be with Mommy and Daddy, I said I wanted to go, too.† Elena blinked hard. â€Å"Oh, baby. It's not time for you to go, so you can't. And Aunt Judith loves you very much, and she'd be lonely without you.† Margaret nodded, her eyelids drooping. But as Elena eased her down and pulled the bedspread over her, Margaret asked one more question. â€Å"But don't you love me?† Oh, stupid, stupid, Elena thought, forging through the banked snow to the other side of Maple Street. She'd missed her chance to ask Margaret whether Robert had been at dinner. It was too late now. Robert. Her eyes narrowed suddenly. At the church, Robert had been outside and then the dogs had gone mad. And tonight Margaret's kitten had gone feral-just a little while after Robert's car had pulled out of the driveway. Robert has a lot to answer for, she thought. But melancholy was pulling at her, tugging her thoughts away. Her mind kept returning to the bright house she'd just left, going over the things she'd never see again. All her clothes and knickknacks and jewelry-what would Aunt Judith do with them? I don't own anything anymore, she thought. I'm a pauper. Elena? With relief, Elena recognized the mental voice and the distinctive shadow at the end of the street. She hurried toward Stefan, who took his hands out of his jacket pockets and held hers to warm them. â€Å"Meredith told me where you'd gone.† â€Å"I went home,† Elena said. That was all she could say, but as she leaned against him for comfort, she knew that he understood. â€Å"Let's find someplace we can sit down,† he said, and stopped in frustration. All the places they used to go were either too dangerous or closed to Elena. The police still had Stefan's car. Eventually they just went to the high school where they could sit under the overhang of a roof and watch the snow sift down. Elena told him what had happened in Margaret's room. â€Å"I'm going to have Meredith and Bonnie spread it around town that cats can attack, too. People should know that. And I think somebody ought to be watching Robert,† she concluded. â€Å"We'll tail him,† Stefan said, and she couldn't help smiling. â€Å"It's funny how much more American you've gotten,† she said. â€Å"I hadn't thought about it in a long time, but when you first came you were a lot more foreign. Now nobody would know you hadn't lived here all your life.† â€Å"We adapt quickly. We have to,† Stefan said. â€Å"There are always new countries, new decades, new situations. You'll adapt, too.† â€Å"You'll learn, in time. If there is anything†¦ good†¦ about what we are, it's time. We have plenty of it, as much as we want. Forever.† † ‘Joyous companions forever.' Isn't that what Katherine said to you and Damon?† Elena murmured. She could feel Stefan's stiffening, his withdrawal. â€Å"She was talking about all three of us,† he said. â€Å"I wasn't.† â€Å"Oh, Stefan, please don't, not now. I wasn't even thinking about Damon, only about forever. It scares me. Everything about this scares me, and sometimes I think I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the shelter of his arms she felt safer, and she found her new senses were just as amazing close up as they were at a distance. She could hear each separate pulse of Stefan's heart, and the rush of blood through his veins. And she could smell his own distinctive scent mingled with the scent of his jacket, and the snow, and the wool of his clothes. â€Å"Please trust me,† she whispered. â€Å"I know you're angry with Damon, but try to give him a chance. I think there's more to him than there seems to be. And I want his help in finding the Other Power, and that's all I want from him.† At that moment it was completely true. Elena wanted nothing to do with the hunter's life tonight; the darkness held no appeal for her. She wished she could be at home sitting in front of a fire. But it was sweet just to be held like this, even if she and Stefan had to sit in the snow to do it. Stefan's breath was warm as he kissed the back of her neck, and she sensed no further withdrawal in Stefan's body. No hunger, either, or at least not the kind she was used to sensing when they were close like this. Now that she was a hunter like he, the need was different, a need for togetherness rather than for sustenance. It didn't matter. They had lost something, but they had gained something, too. She understood Stefan in a way she never had before. And her understanding brought them closer, until their minds were touching, almost meshing with each other's. It wasn't the noisy chatter of mental voices; it was a deep and wordless communion. As if their spirits were united. â€Å"I love you,† Stefan said against her neck, and she held on tighter. She understood now why he'd been afraid to say it for so long. When the thought of tomorrow scared you sick, it was hard to make a commitment. Because you didn't want to drag someone else down with you. Particularly someone you loved. â€Å"I love you, too,† she made herself say and sat back, her peaceful mood broken. â€Å"And will you try to give Damon a chance, for my sake? Try to work with him?† â€Å"I'll work with him, but I won't trust him. I can't. I know him too well.† â€Å"I followed Mrs. Flowers today.† Stefan's lip quirked. â€Å"All afternoon and evening. And you know what she did?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Three loads of wash-in an ancient machine that looked like it was going to explode any minute. No clothes dryer, just a wringer. It's all down in the basement. Then she went outside and filled about two dozen bird feeders. Then back to the basement to wipe off jars of preserves. She spends most of her time down there. She talks to herself.† â€Å"Just like a dotty old lady,† said Elena. â€Å"All right; maybe Meredith's wrong and that's all she is.† She noticed his change of expression at Meredith's name and added, â€Å"What?† â€Å"Well, Meredith may have some explaining to do herself. I didn't ask her about it; I thought maybe it was better coming from you. But she went to talk to Alaric Saltzman after school today. And she didn't want anyone to know where she was going.† Disquiet uncoiled in Elena's middle. â€Å"So what?† â€Å"So she lied about it afterward-or at least she evaded the issue. I tried to probe her mind, but my Powers are just about burnt out. And she's strong-willed.† â€Å"And you had no right! Stefan, listen to me. Meredith would never do anything to hurt us or betray us. Whatever she's keeping from us-â€Å" â€Å"So you do admit that she's hiding something.† â€Å"Yes,† Elena said reluctantly. â€Å"But it's nothing that will hurt us, I'm sure. Meredith has been my friend since the first grade†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Without knowing it, Elena let the sentence slip away from her. She was thinking of another friend, one who'd been close to her since kindergarten. Caroline. Who last week had tried to destroy Stefan and humiliate Elena in front of the entire town. And what was it Caroline's diary had said about Meredith? Meredith doesn't do anything; she just watches. It's as if she can't act, she can only react to things. Besides, I've heard my parents talking about her family-no wonder she never mentions them. Elena's eyes left the snowy landscape to seek Stefan's waiting face. â€Å"It doesn't matter,† she said quietly. â€Å"I know Meredith, and I trust her. I'll trust her to the end.† â€Å"I hope she's worthy of it, Elena,† he said. â€Å"I really do.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

F1 Formula in Singapore Essay Example

F1 Formula in Singapore Essay Example F1 Formula in Singapore Essay F1 Formula in Singapore Essay Essay Topic: Everything Is Illuminated The largest sporting event in Singapore, Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix, and official name called the Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix. It was announced that the telecommunications company Singtel would sponsor the event in November 2007. After signing a five-year deal, it will be set the first ever night race Singapore’s Marina Bay street circuit and also be Asias first F1 street race in 2008. In one of the sports most striking settings, the street circuit snakes through the shimmering skyscrapers along the harbour side of the wealthy Asian financial hub.In other words, the timing of night event means it can be broadcast at a convenient time for European TV audiences. The track also will be illuminated by projectors which match the shape of the course. F1 has put Singapore on the world map, and it continues to put country on the world map year after year. Formula 1 has given the country many benefits. According to the figure from Singapore Tourism Board (STB), this event attracting some 150,000 international visitors over the last four years and injecting about S$600 million into the local economy, must also continue to remain steady.Furthermore, it has been watched by more than 360 million TV viewers in Singapore race. Singapore Grand Prix agreed that Singapore will continue to host the Formula 1 night race for the next five years till 2017, and cut overall costs of organising the Singapore Grand Prix (SGP) event by 15 to 20 per cent. A study has shown that Singapore is likely to reap greater economic spin-offs in tourism and investment from Formula One (F1) the next five years. Objectives- First, formula 1 can act as an annual engine to drive tourists to Singapore.According to the study showed that the race attracted more than 150,000 international visitors over the last four years and about $140 to $150 million in incremental tourism receipts each year. In addition this event promoted Singapore in terms of its investment opportunities, key industries, innovations, people, culture and international objectives. Target Publics- However, Singapore Government and Singapore GP play their role as an organisation’s top management and as technicians who produce and disseminate messages in multiple media channels in this PR campaign.It is not just the releasing of information after a decision has been made, also involves counseling and solve the problem at high levels. The role of foreign viewers of the event on media is target audiences to give feedback to the organisation and as free advertising’ to introduce Singapore to others. Plan of Action- Problem: Singapore will continue to host the F1 Grand Prix till 2017. It wants attract more tourists and foreign investors for the next five years. Objective: 1. Singapore Government must have to look hard to cut overall costs of organising the event by 15 to 20 per cent for future races. . Singapore Government to assure that more will be done to address traffic congestions and complaints from businesses that have been hit by the road closures around the Marina Bay Street Circuit. 3. Singapore Government needs take into account to attract more tourists and foreign investors. F1 bring the net economic benefit to the country. Target Audiences: 1. Tourists 2. Foreign investors Strategies: 1. Leisure and Entertainment Government must work with local business to attract tourist coming to Singapore during the F1 race, such as hotels, restaurants, spas, shopping centre and so on.There can also be F1-IR twin worldwide promotions, selling family packages that include Marina Bay Sands rooms, Universal Studios admissions. In fact, some people don’t come to the watch the race, just to party. Outside of the F1 event, Singapore also must offer plenty of cultural and leisure pursuits such as Marina Bay Sands, Resorts World Sentosa, casino, Garden by the bay, Night Safari, Singapore Art Museum’s program for September, Universal Studio, shopping at Orchard road and Singapore Flyer etc. For example: a.F1 Grand Prix in September, Shell and Cold Storage have launched a marketing initiative whereby customers who spend S$30 at Cold Storage will receive a free S$2 Shell fuel voucher. b. Singapore hotel with great views are running out fast for F1 Singapore. That has Great special offer and discounts in most of the hotels near Marina Bay and central district area in Singapore. Early bird promotion! 2. Advertising As is well known advertising is a good way to present and promote the most persuasive possible selling message to the world for Singapore Formula 1 event.Advertising is information placed in the media. There are two types of media that is traditional media and new media. Government can use those two types of media to advertising and promoting a positive image of the event such as radio, TV, cinema, newspapers, magazines, outdoor ads, posters, internet- website, social media – Facebook, Twitter etc. 3. Operation efficiency of the traffic system in the area Government must taking into account to address the road closure and a lot of accidents caused by the reduced visibility of the road block otherwise it will cause inconvenience to the tourists.It takes hours to get into town and clogs up everything in Singapore. The lost dollars in productivity is more costly than the little financial benefit that the race brings, which is primarily to the richest tier in Singapore. 4. Heighten security measures and monitor air and sound pollution Singapore must provide a safe and clean place for whose coming to here during the race. The Security Systems division in Singapore offers a complete range of security and communication solutions including CCTV, building integration system, intruder detection, public address, fire alarm and voice evacuation etc.Government also need to try their best to monitor the sound and air polluting caused by the event. Tactics: 1. Social Media- it is still a reasonably good ad medium for certain type of advertising. Use it a mechanism to highlight your ad via upload the image. Put the Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix’ is a right choice of headline to grab attention to the public. And it will get another 135 character to describe and entice in the body of the ad. 2. Mass media- Each year, concerts by leading artists entertain ticket-holders between races.These concerts have become just as much a part of the Singapore F1 experience as the races themselves, and for many they’re even the main highlight. 3. Magazine- Magazine advertising is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. No matter what event date is fast approaching, magazines know that the focal point lies now in brands and services that will give consumers a reason to attain these depending on what lies ahead. However, magazine advertisements is the fact that ads can look realistic and can jump out at readers, because of their glossy detailing and show of colors that calls for attention.The publishing industry offers a diverse selection of magazines to appeal to young readers and more mature readers with various concerns and interests. By advertising in magazines, we should write an article to introduce Singapore and Formula 1 event. Time magazine is the worlds largest circulation weekly news magazine with a readership of twenty-five million. Budget: Singapore is said to pay an annual fee of about US$40million fee is expected just for hosting and TV broadcast rights. In a new five-year deal that will last until 2017 and cut overall costs of organising the event by 15 to 20 per cent.Launch the Campaign: Singapore Government appoints a public relations company to assist with the promotion of Formula One. Improving F1? s image is certainly a priority, F1 is not nearly as good as other sports including motor racing. In fact, F1 is perceived to be environmentally unfriendly, wasteful, boring and stratospherically expensive. PR certainly could have had a role to play in provide by reason of qualifications, experience and training, advice to a business and if invited, implement measures to solve PR issues by working with the organisation. Monitor the progress:Generally, government can start published all advertising 1 month before Formula 1 sport car event. Singapore environment agency and the race promoter to assess and manage the impact of sound pollution from the F1 race, and to put in place pollution control measures to prevent any accident spillage of oil from the pit area and the race circuit into the Marina reservoir. Evaluate: After launch the PR campaign, organizations should hold the meeting called a progress meeting’ and the minutes may be called a progress report’. Ideally, these meeting should be held monthly.Government must gain the stakeholders support, working with stakeholder to mitigate possible negative commercial impact and build up goodwill for future collaborations in major event. A separate BCG survey said 70 per cent to 90 per cent of business owners and top management of mid-sized companies had improved perceptions of Singapore due to F1. Five per cent to 10 per cent of them are now keen to invest and do business here. Formula 1 sports car racing was the biggest whole-of- government project ever, and the amount cross-agency work was enormous.Led by the STB, many agencies including the Land Transport Authority, Singapore police force, Singapore sports council and the people’s association lent their support to make race a success. Conclusion a. Some retailers in the vicinity have long complained of the dip in shopper traffic during the race due to road closures, causing transport difficulties and a loss of trade for certain shopkeepers. A street-circuit race would also require roads to be closed for almost a week downtown. It would take six weeks to set up the race and three weeks thereafter to dismantle, meaning more traffic disruptions. 1.With a series of road closures in the Marina Centre and City hall area happening during F1 event, government should communication and work with transport agency to add train trips on its MRT lines and extended train and bus service timings. Train and bus schedules have also been adjusted so that passengers taking the last train service from the city will be able to connect to other MRT and LRT lines. The transport provider has also reduced waiting time with trains on the east and west-bound lines arriving every four minutes while those on the north and south-bound lines will arrive at approximately every three minutes.This will happen from 9. 15pm on all three race days. 2. As well as Public Relations includes two-way communication. Along with dissemination of information, it is equally important to gain feedback from the audiences. However, political leader will is needed to convince the people that F1, despite the short-term inconveniences, has long-term benefits such as more jobs and creating a city with more buzz to make it to the big league. 3. The circuit infrastructure, such as concrete barriers and fences has to be hastily installed, and equally hastily dismantled, to minimise inconvenience to citizens and businesses. . A US$40million fee is expected just for hosting and TV broadcast rights. Singapore hosting F1 is not without costs. That is critical for the Government to cut overall costs of organising the event by 15 to 20 per cent for future races. According to the press that amount of money brought in about $160 million in tourist dollars highlighted at the start of the thread is too little given the cost. By use of advertising campaign, we can choice and use of media to achieve maximum results at minimum cost will make the advertising cost-effective.Nowadays, Internet is very common in the world. Government can use social media, new advertising strategy which is Facebook, twitter and blog etc for low cost in order to promote F1 to the world. For example, Facebook may be suitable for building on your fan pages and it able put like us’ button right in the ad, People don’t even have to visit your page also can get latest news and information in their own wall’. In addition, government also can send e newsletter to the public through email.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Teledentistry within Kentucky Essays - Dentistry, Health Informatics

Teledentistry within Kentucky Essays - Dentistry, Health Informatics Teledentistry within Kentucky Teledentistry allows for an entirely new way of providing specialist advice. Through the use of telecommunication and computer technologies, it is now possible to provide interactive access to specialists that are not limited by the constraints of time and distance. It is a valuable tool in providing dental care in rural areas, where there is a shortage of specialists and a lack of comprehensive and sophisticated health care. It can be a solution to the barriers of dental care like the lack and cost of transportation, time off from work and school, and to save the patients money. In September of 2014 a member of the Kentucky Board of Dentistry discussed the advantages for the practice of teledentistry. The member questioned if the board needed to transmit regulations that addressed teledentistry, as it is an emerging issue nationally and publicly in Kentucky. After a discussion, it was decided to table the issue and try to find out more about other state boards involvement in teledentistry at an upcoming AADB meeting. During a meeting later held on November of 2014, the Kentucky board of Dentistry discussed the impact that teledentistry will soon have on the dental profession by creating issues in the areas of public health; digital imaging of dentition; fee splitting; and cyber dentists. A motion was also made that the teledentistry committee be comprised of certain members and that the committee will invite members from other reasonable stakeholders from such entities as the KY Dental Association, University of Louisville School of Dentistry; University of Kentucky College of Dentistry; KY Dental Hygienists Association; Academy of General Dentistry, etc. as appropriate to facilitate, research and formulate potential regulations to then present to the full Board for consideration. Using the state of Virginia as a proposed model to immolate, the Virginia Legislator has directed the Department of Medical Assistance Services to create a two-year pilot program to provide dental services to school-age children who are eligible to receive pediatric dental services through the Smiles for Children program in school systems, which at least 50 percent of the elementary students have not been examined by a dentist within the preceding 12 months or have no dental home of record. Those participating dentists will provide supervision of dental hygienists through the methods of teledentistry. A cost analysis was undertaken by comparing the costs of teledentistry with two alternatives: outreach visits, in which the specialist regularly visited the remote communities, and hospital visits, where patients in remote communities traveled to hospital for consultations. This study found the cost savings of teledentistry were greatest in the remote communities, where patients would otherwise have had to travel long distances for specialist consultations. Currently, overall dentist needed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky is high with 36% of the current supply required to meet current demand. Many counties in Kentucky need greater than 100% increases in the current dentist workforce, and three counties appear to have no dentists currently practicing. Jefferson County has the most pronounced need of 150 dentists. In spite of some issues, which need to be resolved, the potential of teledentistry is tremendous, which needs to be explored immensely in the state of Kentucky. 1."Kentucky Board of Dentistry." 13 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. 2."Kentucky Board of Dentistry." 22 Nov. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.>. 3."MATRC - Teledentistry." MATRC. 15 Feb. 2015. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.>. 4.Nikumbh, Dhiraj B. "Http://" Jcdr Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research 5.7 (2011). Print. 5."VA Legislation: SB 647 - Teledentistry Pilot Program." VA Legislation: SB 647. 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.>.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learn About the Birth Place of William Shakespeare

Learn About the Birth Place of William Shakespeare Its no secret that William Shakespeare was from England, but many of his fans would be hard pressed to name exactly where in the country the writer was born. With this overview, discover where and when the bard was born, and why his birthplace remains a tourist attraction today. Where Was Shakespeare Born? Shakespeare was born in 1564  into a prosperous family in Stratford-upon-Avon in  Warwickshire, England. The town is about 100 miles northwest of London. Although there is no record of his birth, it is presumed that he  was born on April 23 because he was entered into the baptism register of  Holy Trinity Church  shortly after. Shakespeares  father, John, owned a large family house in the town center that is thought to be the bards  birthplace. The public can still visit the very room in which it is believed Shakespeare was born. The house sits on Henley Street - the main road that runs through the middle of this small market town. It is well preserved and is open to the public via the visitor center. Inside, you can see how small the living space was for the young Shakespeare and how the family would have lived, cooked and slept. One room would have been John Shakespeares workroom, where he would have tailored gloves to sell. Shakespeare was expected to take over his fathers business one day himself.   Shakespeare Pilgrimage For centuries, Shakespeare’s birthplace has been a place of pilgrimage for the literary-minded. The tradition started in 1769 when David Garrick, a famous Shakespearean actor, organized the first Shakespeare festival in Stratford-upon-Avon. Since then, the house has been visited by scores of famous writers including: John Keats (1817)Sir Walter Scott (1821)Charles Dickens (1838)Mark Twain (1873)Thomas Hardy (1896) They used diamond rings to scratch their names into the glass window of the birth room. The window has since been replaced, but the original glass panes are still on display. Thousands of people every year continue to follow this tradition and visit Shakespeare’s birthplace, so the house remains one of Stratford-upon-Avon’s busiest attractions. Indeed, the house marks the starting point of the annual parade walked by local officials, celebrities, and community groups each year as part of the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations. This symbolic walk starts in Henley Street  and ends at Holy Trinity Church, his burial place.  There is no specific recorded date of his death, but the date of the burial indicates  he died April 23. Yes, Shakespeare was born and died on the same day of the year! Participants of the  parade pin a sprig of the herb rosemary to their outfits to commemorate his life. This is a reference to  Ophelias line in Hamlet: Theres rosemary, thats for remembrance. Preserving the Birthplace as a National Memorial When the birthplace’s last private occupant died, money was raised by committee to buy the house at auction and preserve it as a national memorial. The campaign gained momentum when a rumor spread that P. T. Barnum, the American circus owner wanted to buy the house and ship it to New York! The money was raised successfully and the house is in the  hands of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. The trust subsequently bought other Shakespeare-related properties in and around Stratford-upon-Avon, including his mothers farm house, his daughters town house and his wifes family home in nearby Shottery. They also own the land where Shakespeares final home in the town once stood. Today, the Shakespeare Birthplace House has been preserved and converted into a museum as part of a larger visitor center complex. It is open to the public all year.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How has supply chain impacted Food security Assignment

How has supply chain impacted Food security - Assignment Example Moreover, drastic climate changes have become common due to the rising global warming. To ensure food security, it is necessary that innovations be made in the food production, storage and distribution processes. Resources need to be utilized effectively and in constrained manner to determine the boundaries of future food production environment. Improving food security is also necessary for economic development of nations since hungry workers cannot be productive. Almost 75 percent of global population lives in rural areas and are dependant on agriculture. Enhanced food security can help them fight poverty and make them resilient so that they can participate in economic activities. Global food crisis leads to rising food price, and in recent years food price inflation has sparked political demonstrations in many countries leading to national and regional instabilities (Sustainable economic development, 2011, p.3). Shortage of food and difficulty in distribution process are common ele ments in many countries especially in the developing countries. This leads to chronic hunger among a large proportion of global population resulting in malnutrition, higher infant mortality rates and premature deaths due to failure of vital body organs. That growing commodity prices have become a matter of grave concern has been accepted by the United Nations through its warning that there is paucity of funds to curb global malnutrition in this â€Å"new face of hunger† (Borger, 2008). The head of UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), Josette Sheeran has expressed concern that an extra half billion dollars is needed to bring the situation under control. The major causes that have been recognized are huge disparities of income between developed and developing countries, usage of land for production of biofuel, drastic climate changes etc (Borger, 2008). The first part of this paper focuses on food security systems of five nations, and the second part discusses the impact of supply chain on food security programs. Section I Food Security According to the World Food Summit of 1996, food security is â€Å"when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life† (WHO, 2013). In other words, food security ensures that nutritious food is affordable and easily accessible to all sections of the world population to satisfy both their dietary requirements and food preferences. In reality, malnutrition and diarrhea have become common food related problems in most countries. Food security is essentially based on three pillars which are availability, accessibility and nutrition. This means food must be consistently available at reasonable prices to all people, there should be sufficient resources for all people so that they can access all food items, and there should be knowledge and awareness about proper nutrition and care (World Bank[1], 2009, p.14). Global experiences and events Persistent incre ase of food prices every year all over the world is a major contributory factor for global food crisis. UN’s WFP is assisted by voluntary contributions and it provides basic food items to 78 million people in 73 countries which is not even one-tenth of the total malnourished population of the world. In 2008, WFP’s budget was ?1.5 bn which was not even sufficient for maintaining existing food supplies because of rapid

Saudi Aramco Procurement Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Saudi Aramco Procurement Process - Essay Example The millennium is characterized with information technology as instrument for world wide business expansion, networking and in engaging with business partners for sustainable operations. Information technology also improved communication processes and hastened responses to corporate needs and systematized all operations. For some institutions and companies, this optimized virtual mechanism for complex procedures by thoroughly mainstreaming transactional contract relations. This means that through technology, corporation evolved into certain level of structural sophistication in centralizing internal mechanism and resolving once complex manual procedures, including assertiveness in the interaction of business decision processes. All this are made possible through the development of systematized digitized system of information technology. This essay will attempt to explicate and illustrate how information technology improved procedural procurement engendered organizational readiness in terms of corporate financial and technological resources as well as of its capacity to respond to external pressure due to competition with trading. Transactional relations of contact and procurement are now even done using the internet. It will also attempt to analyze if hard system model befits Saudi Aramco Company’s procurement procedures. Procurement Procedure is a process on how a contract is obtained. It is a mechanism to control the nature, object, expectations, and delivery of outcome based on agreements. It is a universal mechanisms adopted by companies and institutions that are operating in large scale, or in a multi-enterprise level with expensive capital investments but is constantly confronted with concerns on production technologies adaptation, volatile markets and pervasive regulation (Estache & Atsushi (2008). This situation is true with oil and gas extractive industries where there are standards and control mechanism that should be adopted to systematize its operations. This is considered as complexity management. Managing Information System There is a systematic approach used in managing information systems. This approach is technology-focused, process-sensitive, quantitative and qualitative in application and methodical in analysis, procedures, tools and techniques (Dumitrascu, 2006). This is evident in computerized system designed by infotech experts like Cisco. It helped in knowledge management and in systematizing transactions by increasing it company’s corporate virtual realities, although these require persons equipped with knowledge to ensure that the system will be effectively interactive. This means that the person must be knowledgeable too in maximizing digitized information in documentation as well as in technical system optimization to protect it from overload and techie backlog. Complexity management treats all hard structured and soft unstructured problems. Its system is rational, scientific and logical and itâ₠¬â„¢s developed with the assumption that the world is clear out there and can be customized based on our needs (Dumitrascu, 2006). Complexity management can be done using varied diagrams. This can be Spray Diagram, Systems Maps, Influence Diagrams, Multiple-cause diagrams, Sign graphs, and Control Model Diagram. These are explicated as follows: a. Influence Diagram— also known as relevance  analysis or a decision network illustrated graphical and mathematical representation in decision-making. It was developed in 1970s and is now adopted widely and becoming an alternative to  decision tree which typically suffers from  exponential growth  in number of branches with each variable modeled (Detwarasiti and Shachter, 2005 ; Holtzman,1989). ID is practicable for team decision analysis because it allows incomplete sharing of information among team members to be modeled and solved explicitly. The semantic of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Role of DHS to Enhance Special Operations Force Structure Essay

Role of DHS to Enhance Special Operations Force Structure - Essay Example Deconfliction is an important aspect to be careful about especially in areas of overlapping responsibility to prevent law enforcing agencies from mistakably disrupting operations. Components of DHS also included joint operations as a means to integrate federal border security efforts. The 9/11 commission has extensively stressed on the intensive collaboration with international partners, also increasing enforcement though joint efforts in the state, local and federal affairs. DHS components developed joint operations for time related surge operations in air, maritime and land border security. In order to check vulnerabilities related to insufficient staff, the officials have issued a three year grant to tribal nations/states and also the local governments have also been included to augment Border patrolling personnel and resources to offer security which benefited all sectors. For example, the joint operation outlook for the purpose of border security has resulted in the better under standing of partner capabilities. In 2007, in the Blaine sector with the joint operation, eight illegal aliens attempting to enter the United States were detained. The partners involved in the operation were DHS components including Border Patroling and ICE, while others included DoD, state and local law enforcement entities (Stana, 2011, p 15-20). Similarities between force structure of Israel, Great Britain and the United States Counter-terrorism has been designated USSCOM’s primary core task which involves the reducing the probable features of a successful terrorist attack (Groover, 2004, p12; SOF Reference Manual, 1999).The influence of the diplomatic efforts of treaties and policies will be evaluated in the light of on how the ability of land forces has defined to fulfill the nation’s global challenges. Naval and air power have historically played an important role mainly in the defense policies of Great Britain in the past and the United States at present. Resear ch suggests that Great Britain’s experience have been used by the United States to quantify historical significance on this aspect of the study (Sevcik, 2001, p2). Israel Defense Forces (IDF) similarly demonstrates the conventional military capability, coupled with nuclear weapons that are likely to deter any state to launch conventional campaign against them. Therefore, the most striking similarity in the structural features of the military forces between Israel, Great Britain and the USA is the use of high-intensity war equipments. Predicting the mode of future warfare is incredibly a difficult task but the general themes from the past and the present can definitely contribute to its theoretical content on the aspect of warfare relevance in the future. The future for all the three nations, namely Britain, Israel and the United States encompasses conventional wars of high-intensity. Predictions for the future war will mean nothing at all if the force structure of the concern ed state is not able to deal with the specialized needs of conflict (Martson, n.d. pp.1-4). Unique characteristics of SOF and Counter terror forces as compared to conventional mili

Quotations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Quotations - Essay Example The listing of the types of freedom is long, and for the purpose of this essay, let me broadly classify them in four types. 1. Viewed from the political angle, this type of freedom is highly valued in democratic countries, and ruthlessly curbed in totalitarian and countries that are governed by communist ideology. In the latter, the citizen is only expected to listen to what the government agencies choose to tell them, and one must follow the instructions scrupulously without reacting. The ‘powerful chairs’ decide everything for the citizens and thus an individual is robbed of speech and expression. Turn the pages of history, and one can find the disastrous consequences suffered by the countries that suppressed the freedom of speech and expression of its people. 2. No two leaves of a tree, no two flowers of a creeper are alike. Variety is the beauty of nature and an individual must appreciate the unity in diversity and how the cosmos is governed by God by that Eternal Pr inciple. Atheists may deny the existence of God. Let them do so. But the question to such atheists is which God are you denying? Human mind is the root cause of all differences. It is the very nature of the mind to disagree and indulge in arguments and counter-arguments. The majority of the people knows and accepts that some Supreme Power governs this Cosmos systematically. The apparent-looking differences in the world are the creation of the waves of agitation in our minds. To begin with, let us say mental fear creates God. Even then, if such an approach contributes to peace, it is good. By nature no two individuals, even within the same family, are alike. How then the persons practicing different religions like, Hinduism, Christianity, Muslims, be alike? How can we expect the modes of their worship to be alike? But these differences need not and should not generate conflicts of a serious nature and worship of God should be treated as a personal right and an individual should have the final choice as for the mode of worship. 3.‘So far as a single human being is hungry in this world, my whole religion is to feed it’, said a famous philosopher. When tomorrow’s bread is not assured from today’s labor, take it as the beginning of unrest in the society, and when remedial measures are not taken well in time, history has been witness to the bloody revolutions, that engulfed many countries. Economic worries on a recurring basis throws an individual of his balance, he loses the power of discrimination when he sees his family members are hungry, and one resorts to violent and unlawful acts. Should such people be punished or condemned? Perhaps not! The society deserves condemnation, which creates such conditions and encourages criminal tendencies. An individual can bear with the provocation and inequality in the economic front to some extent, but not always. When the pressures of the external world are too much to bear, one rebels and goes ast ray. Similar is the case with countries. When a country attains super economic prosperity, it begins to dominate the poor countries and imposes its decisions on all important issues. 4. Stockpile of arms means storing danger for humankind. Any wrong decision by the top man of the country in the current scenario, is inviting irreversible disaster for the entire humankind. Nature is benevolent, but unfortunately human beings have taken her grace for granted. The need of the hour is not reduction of arms, but abolition of arms that have capacity to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Introduction to fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Introduction to fiction - Essay Example Whilst searching for symbolism in the story, I cam across a few points like, â€Å"It was large enough so that it didn’t seem fragile, or particularly vulnerable if anyone sideswiped the table or Mondo blundered into it during play. She asked her husband to please not drop his house key in it. It was meant to be empty† (207). This excerpt primarily describes the fact that her husband, Andrea’s, was someone was not part of the bowl theory and could not identify with the symbol. When mentioning that she had bought the bowl at a craft fair in secret with her lover, it further signifies that she has been looking for her lost love and continuing affairs with him through the bowl. She must have not acted quickly enough to seize the moment with her lover, hence the line, â€Å"Her lover had said that she was always too slow to know what she really loved† (209). Through this we get the impression that perhaps she was too obsessed with the bowl to continue on with her affair. At one point it is shared that she even â€Å"†¦dreamed of the bowl. Twice in a waking dream-early in the morning, between sleep and the last nap before rising-she had a clear vision of it† (208). The bowl represented her affair and eventually it would be the bowl that ends her marriage. When looking back on the story, it opens with â€Å"The bowl was perfect† (206). Andrea feels like she made a mistake not admitting her affair and starting a life with her lover; therefore she loves the bowl as if it were her ex-lover and obsesses over it because to her, it is all she has left of him. She explains her guilt in this manner, â€Å"Sometimes in the morning, she would look at him (her husband) and feel guilty that she had such a constant secret† (208). She is continuing her affair through the bowl and is still having feelings of guilt. This further signifies her inertia with her ex-lover and clings on to the bowl in memory

Physical Distribution Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Physical Distribution Management - Assignment Example The second part of the work at hand presents the remarkable answer to the idea that â€Å"Optimally configuring a supply chain requires warehousing to be considered as an integral part of the supply chain design process†. Adhering to the ultimate principle of Porter concerning the value chain model, the work at hand presents relevant justifications as to why warehousing is a crucial activity or service that needs to be optimized for IKEA’s advantage. There are important advantages on the part of IKEA pertaining to the optimization of its supply chain through effective warehousing activity. Some of these advantages are justified further in the work at hand. The two topics that are included in the work at hand have revealed how important it is to make sure that the distribution system should be optimized for the advantage of both the firms and the target customers. The work at hand presents the opportunity to consider remarkable insights as to why it is important to make sure that the distribution system is at its healthy condition. In the first place, the justification of cost is included in the work at hand. However, the association of customer value was another remarkable point. Transport and distribution management are complex processes in an organisation that tries to employ the actual concept of physical distribution management. In the advent of advanced technology and the integration of Information Technology (IT) in the actual communication process linked to distribution management, it is essential to consider how IT applications can be integrated in a dynamic firm that is actively involved in distribution operations. On the other hand, warehousing in the supply chain design process is another consideration to ensure productive operation that will lead to the opportunity to provide high value for customers, and eventually competitive

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Introduction to fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Introduction to fiction - Essay Example Whilst searching for symbolism in the story, I cam across a few points like, â€Å"It was large enough so that it didn’t seem fragile, or particularly vulnerable if anyone sideswiped the table or Mondo blundered into it during play. She asked her husband to please not drop his house key in it. It was meant to be empty† (207). This excerpt primarily describes the fact that her husband, Andrea’s, was someone was not part of the bowl theory and could not identify with the symbol. When mentioning that she had bought the bowl at a craft fair in secret with her lover, it further signifies that she has been looking for her lost love and continuing affairs with him through the bowl. She must have not acted quickly enough to seize the moment with her lover, hence the line, â€Å"Her lover had said that she was always too slow to know what she really loved† (209). Through this we get the impression that perhaps she was too obsessed with the bowl to continue on with her affair. At one point it is shared that she even â€Å"†¦dreamed of the bowl. Twice in a waking dream-early in the morning, between sleep and the last nap before rising-she had a clear vision of it† (208). The bowl represented her affair and eventually it would be the bowl that ends her marriage. When looking back on the story, it opens with â€Å"The bowl was perfect† (206). Andrea feels like she made a mistake not admitting her affair and starting a life with her lover; therefore she loves the bowl as if it were her ex-lover and obsesses over it because to her, it is all she has left of him. She explains her guilt in this manner, â€Å"Sometimes in the morning, she would look at him (her husband) and feel guilty that she had such a constant secret† (208). She is continuing her affair through the bowl and is still having feelings of guilt. This further signifies her inertia with her ex-lover and clings on to the bowl in memory

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Critique, Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Research Critique, Part 2 - Essay Example Burns & Grove (2011) state that the potential benefits to the subjects would include improved physical condition that could encourage emotional and social benefits in research on therapeutic or non-therapeutic aspects In terms of risks, risks involved depend on the purpose of study and the procedures used to conduct the research. Risks could include physical, social, emotional or economic and could cause permanent damage. If the risks outweigh the benefits, the research could be unethical (Burns & Grove, 2011). Sundborg, Saleh-Stattin, Wà ¤ndell & Tà ¶rnkvist (2012) do not identify the benefits and risks of using human participants. In terms of consent, researchers must obtain informed consent from the subjects. Therefore, subjects must participate voluntarily. In this research, the participants participated voluntarily because as the researchers point out, they called the individual nurses who participated where 39 agreed to participate while 1 refused. The ones who agree to participate were presented with an information letter with which they could distribute the questionnaires to their colleagues. With regard to institutional review board approval, the authors do not state whether they obtained institutional review, board approval from the agency in which the study was conducted (Sundborg, Saleh-Stattin, Wà ¤ndell & Tà ¶rnkvist, 2012). logistic regression analysis. The first dependent variable is, â€Å"if you suspected that a woman was exposed to IPV, would you confirm it by asking her if it was true?† The independent variable here was, â€Å"Being sufficiently prepared†. The second dependent variable is, â€Å"do you believe that you are sufficiently prepared to deal with a woman exposed to IPV?† The independent variable here was, â€Å"having obtained knowledge by themselves† (Sundborg, Saleh-Stattin, Wà ¤ndell & Tà ¶rnkvist, 2012). The researchers collect data using both primary secondary data collection methods. The primary data was collected by use of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Puritan society Essay Example for Free

Puritan society Essay So far the audience is aware that Hale can be a pragmatic character because it is clear that he does not believe some of the accusations can be true, which is why he is on his rounds. The puritan theology that he relies on has brought him to be a stern character, believing that theology is a fortress, that the audiences have to decide is congenial or disagreeable.  The arrival of Cheever causes a mass silence in the room. This is done to give the audience a chance to put events into perspective and allows the tension floating tirelessly around in the room to build up. Cheever approaches the household with bad news. The audience must be feeling sorry for him, as the men seem to be friends. Giles says to Cheever, its a pity that such an honest tailor might have gone to Heaven must burn in Hell. Cheever is sympathetic but he says that he is doing what he is told. This shows differences between some of Giles friends. Proctor is willing to darken his name in order to revert the charges to Giless wife but Cheever is two faced, willing to throw away his friendship with Giles for money that he earns on his rounds. The suspense is built up even more as the audience is now eager to know what Cheever is doing in the house and what business of the court he is addressing. The audience is then stunned on the note that Cheevers arrival is because he holds the warrant for the arrest of Elizabeth. Proctor, whom has had an overt hate for Hale since his entry, is enraged as he said that Elizabeth was not charged just, somewhat mentioned. Hale, however, is just as shocked and proceeds by asking, when were she charged. The audience is really interested by this point; Miller has timed and written this section linking almost everything to a previous scene. We learn from Cheever that sixteen people had been charged that evening and all to be arrested. Cheever then begins to look around the room for any poppets. Miller has timed this to perfection as the audience is queued to remember the one that Mary Warren had given Elizabeth earlier that evening. Of course Elizabeth will not remember this after all the commotion. The audience are shown this when Elizabeth claims she has kept poppets since she was a girl. Cheever persists in his search, as her word is not reliable in court. Cheever finds the one that Mary gave to Elizabeth earlier and refuses to believe that it is Marys. This adds to the tension and also is a ploy for an even more terrible consequence. Elizabeth then goes to get Mary Warren in an attempt to prove her innocence, whilst she is away a most unimaginable discovery is made. There is a needle stuck in the belly of the poppet. Miller makes Proctor struggle to find out the significance of the needle. Whereas the audience is well aware of the significance that the needle has as this will be misinterpreted for a link to Abigail Williams being stabbed and are eager as to what Proctor will say or do. Proctor claims that she done it herself. But Cheever does not believe this statement because Abigail had accused Elizabeths familiar spirit of doing the deed. In such a puritan, god-fearing biblically run society accusing somebodys familiar spirit will mean they are telling the truth and the accused was a witch. The audience does not know this it what it means but they are able to catch on. At this point tension is at a titillating peak and the plot is steady. Hale is struck by the proof and is incapable of believing Proctors suggestion. Mary is brought down and is questioned consecutively. Her bewildered attitude as well as disagreeing opposition questioning her allows the questioners to manipulate her words and stutters to their own liking. After gathering the basic outline in all the conflicting opinions she clearly says, I made it.  Her admittance to the ownership and the placing of the needle in the poppet but this does not dissuade Cheever. He is convinced Tis hard proof! Miller has an excellent perception of the thoughts and moments that the audience are not anticipating, his pauses and hesitation in Marys dialogue give the audience an idea of how she is feeling and why she is stuttering so much. When Elizabeth finds out that Abigail is the one who has accused her, she loses her temper and says something that guaranteed her a one way ticket to jail. She must be ripped out of the world. Elizabeth, by saying this, has virtually condemned herself, and the chances of her leaving innocent get slimmer. Proctor then gets a chance to protect his wife; this appeals to the audience, as they know he is sincere and trying to forget Abigail. Proctor in a fit of rage tears Cheevers warrant and attempts to get rid of the uninvited company. Miller has opted for Hale to stay quiet throughout this confrontation to show his cowardly characteristics to the audience, as he has not said anything that he had said to the Proctors to Cheever. Proctor also knows this and his hate for Hale is again shown when he himself calls him a coward. This also shows how everyone who is a sceptic of the goings on in Salem does not want to publicise their queries in case the girls, for being too close to the truth, accuse them. Proctor keeps backing up his wife, whom knows there is no point because she will have to go whatever he does. Elizabeth is scared and the audience has now adopted a serious hate for Hale whose words are ineffective and does nothing to stop Giles, Franciss and Proctors three wives from being arrested, he is frowned upon by everyone as a fake. Before she leaves Elizabeth tells Proctor to continue as normal. The audience may be sympathetic towards Hale because they know his religious status restricts his opinion. There are a few main points when hale enters that form the rest of the play; when Proctor claims that the goings on in Salem had naught to do with witchcraft and the arrest of Mrs. Proctor. This scene is flooded with instruments that create drama, suspense and emotion provoking feeling. The character description is appropriate and lets the audience differentiate good from evil. Miller employs splendid literary skills that keep the tempo and tension levels at unbearable highs. The language is elementary and a lot of it is biblically surrounded reflecting the puritan society. His repressed feelings about the freedom of thought and speech in 1956 are all expressed without regret in the story and gives the Crucible a tailor made, captivating essence for the reader and audience.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Marie Antoinette Essay example -- Biography Biographies Bio

Archduchess of Austria and Queen of France The future Queen of France was born on All Souls' Day, 2nd November, 1755, in Vienna as the youngest daughter of Maria Theresa and the Emperor Franz Stephan. She was baptized under the names Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna. A glorious future seemed to await the little Archduchess. Not only would she grow up in the bosom of a large and affectionate family, but from the very beginning her mother intended to marry her youngest daughter to the glittering Crown of France. The traditional marriage politics of the Habsburgs would secure her beloved daughter a brilliant position and help guarantee the peace and stability of Europe at the same time. In view of these intentions, it is surprising that not greater attention was paid to the young Archduchess's education, especially since Maria Antonia exhibited little ability or inclination to concentrate, nor any great desire to apply herself to her studies. Music alone was capable of arousing moderate interest in the young princess. She showed some talent here and even played duets with the young Mozart in the Palace of Schà ¶nbrunn. In 1769 the much longed for news arrived from Versailles. After tedious and lengthy negotiations, King Louis XV had requested the hand of the Archduchess Maria Antonia for his grandson and heir, the Dauphin Louis-Auguste. The 14 year old girl, who had hardly been prepared for her new exalted rank, bade farewell to her mother and family in Vienna on 21st April, 1770, and with an impressive bridal train began her fateful journey to the Kingdom of France. She travelled up the River Danube and via Munich and Augsburg, stopping at Gà ¼nzburg, Ulm and Freiburg in what was then still Austrian territory. On 7th May, near ... ...XVI) again............I seek forgiveness from all whom I know for every harm I may have unwittingly caused them.............Adieu, good, gentle sister......I embrace you with all my heart as well as the poor, dear children...." Madame Elisabeth never received the letter. In 1794 she would follow Louis and Marie Antoinette to the guillotine. At 10 a.m. on 16th October, 1793, the "widow Capet" was taken from the Conciergerie prison where she had been held during her trial, and with hands bound behind her, was placed in the tumbrel for her last journey in this world. Marie Antoinette, Archduchess of Austria and Queen of France, went quietly and bravely to her death. A tragic end to a fateful journey begun so promisingly almost a quarter of a century before -- with her bridal train from Vienna to Versailles in 1770. Marie Antoinette was not yet 38 years old.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

t true knight :: essays research papers

The Definition of a Knight   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Knights were a type of soldier established in the middle ages, sworn to protect the nobility. They followed the rules of chivalry, rode the best horses, bared the finest arms and weaponry, and were highly respected. A strong need for protection of the nobility brought knighthood to be and chivalry to order. True knights are far and few now, by the end of the 16th century knighthood was over. Real knights fought hand-to-hand, before guns and gun-powder, heavily armored and ready for battle. Finding a true knight might seem hard now, but true knights exist, they just don’t look the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A knights training started early in his life. At age 7 a boy would be a page. At 14, a page would become a squire, and the training would become tougher. Finally at age 21, a squire would become a knight, and he would serve in the military for 40 more years. This sounds familiar to life now doesn’t it? At 7, a boy/girl would help around the house or at others houses. He/she would be learning about how to complete different tasks in the garden, the kitchen, the garage, etc. At age 14, a boy/girl might acquire a part-time job, or summer work. Train more for the â€Å"real world† and gain more knowledge for the future. This is also the age that he/she might learn about sex, drugs, respect, kindness, even love maybe. Finally at age 21, that boy/girl is now a man/woman. Pursuing a career, starting a family, and working hard to provide and protect his/her family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The way a person is raised now, is not much different of that of a knight. The difference now might be chivalry. A chivalrous knight will be courteous, kind, protective of what’s right, aggressive to what is wrong, and will value the true things in life; family, love, and life. The same 21 year old man/woman, will love their family, love their spouse, protect his/her family, be kind to others, teach his/her children right from wrong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A Knight is, kind, chivalrous, gentle, honorable, merciful, and willing to sacrifice.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Role of Material Culture in Contemporary Graphic Design

This survey explores the function of material civilization in humanistic disciplines and design category at colleges in Singapore. Normally, pupils in a modern-day in writing design category face many troubles peculiarly in synergistic creative activity of humanistic disciplines and design. Basically, this survey tends to place and analyse the advantages of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category. Furthermore, this paper besides attempts to plan an effectual course of study that will fulfill the demands of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category. Concurrently, in writing design schools today face ever-increasing demands in their efforts to vouch that pupils are good equipped to come in the work force and voyage a complex universe. Research indicates that material civilization can assist back up larning refering civilization and past histories, and that it is particularly utile in developing the higher-order accomplishments of critical thought, analysis, and scientific enquiry. But the mere presence of material civilization in the schoolroom does non guarantee their effectual usage when it comes in adding cogency and substance to graphic design survey. This survey explores the assorted ways material civilization can be used to better how and what pupil learn in the schoolroom peculiarly in originative design and humanistic disciplines. Furthermore, this paper pointed out the usage of material civilization as an effectual acquisition tool in analyzing past history and civilization is more likely to take topographic point when e mbedded in a broader instruction reform motion that includes betterments in instructor preparation, course of study, pupil appraisal, and a school ‘s capacity for alteration. In this survey, the research worker investigated several variables that may act upon the development and advancement of pupils in different modern-day in writing design categories at colleges of Singapore. These included perceptual experiences of job trouble, originative designing, value of art, and quality of work. The research worker believes that enabling the pupils to utilize material civilization aided by the process in in writing design will ensue in effectual acquisition and apprehension in originative design and provides quality design and art. This research will analyse and look into the function of material civilization and personal perceptual experience of the pupils in Singapore. This shall include a treatment on the positive and negative variables related to material civilization and modern-day in writing design, an analysis of public presentation of the pupils in school in relation to material civilization was besides conducted. Particularly, the research will concentrate on analyzing the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design provided by the school instructors/administrators. Basically, the consequences of the survey will take the research worker to the development and invent an effectual course of study in humanistic disciplines and design with regard to material civilization in in writing design.Problem StatementThis research worker finds the necessity for a survey that specifically tackles the effects of material civilization in modern-day in writing design at Colleges in Singapore. Spec ifically, this survey intends to research the important impact of this stuff to the Colleges in Singapore that are related in modern-day in writing design. It will show the public presentation of the pupils by placing failings and inefficiencies and urging solutions. Basically, the job of this survey is about conventional methodological analysis in learning which used a dry lector is truly dull and takes a batch of clip to complete a modular or course of study of each subject depending on lector capablenesss, accomplishments, handiness, temper and pupil indulgent of what their idea. That is non effectual for pupils to acquire an effectual manner to larn, there is a demand to acquire a new and effectual attack since material civilization may now touch the cultural and historical value of a certain art or design. The intent of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category is to develop a better acquisition than conventional method in colleges but through the early opposition, it emphasized their ability to appreciate art and larn it cultural and historical value execute the complex undertakings needed in modern-day in writing design. Through material civilization pupil can develop a bond and apprehension of one ‘s traditional civilizations that motivate ocular communicating pupils to make strong cultural individuality in writing design. Furthermore, this survey will seek to reply the undermentioned questions: Can apprehension of one ‘s traditional civilizations motivate ocular communicating pupils to make strong cultural individuality in writing design? Can material civilization attention deficit disorder cogency and substance to graphic design survey?AimThis survey seeks to understand to the full how pupils ‘ consciousness of their traditional civilizations might be the factor that motivate them to research and research their civilizations as a in writing design subject.HypothesissThis paper will work on the undermentioned hypothesis: Material civilization in in writing design category in colleges dramas important consequence to the pupils ‘ consciousness of their traditional civilizations. Material civilization in in writing design category in colleges has important consequence to the memory keeping of the pupils when it comes in analyzing traditional civilization. Since it is exciting, disputing and merriment to utilize, so it encourages pupils to analyze the material civilization once more and once more. Material civilization has important consequence to the larning betterment of the pupils since it attaches to one ‘s traditional civilization.Definition of Key FootingsGraphic Design- Graphic Design is the procedure and art of uniting text and artworks and pass oning an effectual message in the design of Son, artworks, booklets, newssheets, postings, marks, and any other type of ocular communicating ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Material Culture- Material Culture is a term frequently used by archeologists as a non-specific manner to mention to the artefacts or other concrete things left by past civilizations. An archaeologist therefore can be described as a individual who surveies the material civilization of a past society ( ) . Art- Art is the procedure or merchandise of intentionally set uping elements in a manner to impact the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse scope of human activities, creative activities, and manners of look, including music, literature, movie, sculpture, and pictures ( ) . Education- Education encompasses the instruction of specific accomplishments, and besides something less touchable but more profound: the conveyance of cognition, good judgement and wisdom. One of the cardinal ends of instruction is to leave civilization across the coevalss socialisation. ( ) Knowledge- Knowledge includes, but is non limited to, those descriptions, hypotheses, constructs, theories, rules and processs which to a sensible grade of certainty are either true or utile. ( ) School-A school is a type of educational establishment. The scope of establishments covered by the term varies from state to state. ( )Reappraisal of LiteratureWorld history has witnessed the birth, development, and accomplishments of the most gifted people. These people have their distinguishable gifts and country of command – literature, political relations, humanistic disciplines, scientific discipline, and so forth. Still, much of their success can be traced back to the sort of life and personality they had. Childhood experiences, support from people around them, environmental influences and personal motives frequently determine how a talented individual makes usage of his innate abilities to go an of import figure in his chosen field of expertness. The universe of humanistic disciplines is one of the most interesting subjects of survey. This field normally includes some of the most curious people who can show their personalities through alone pictures, sculptures, and drawings. Art instruction is culturally identified as a capable country that enables pupils to utilize their imaginativeness and creativeness to bring forth pieces of graphics from a broad assortment of stuffs. This designation may besides include the survey of celebrated creative persons and their well-known graphics ( Oliver, 2010 ) . On the other manus, the cultural individuality is constructed through assorted marks and symbols that the civilization property to art instruction. Symbols include art devising stuffs ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . These stuffs that are attached to one ‘s civilization were known as â€Å" material civilization † . Material civilizations are going known to the instructors in modern-day in writing design because of its motivational consequence to their pupils in analyzing civilization and art. In in writing design category, art symbol with regard to stuffs are important. An illustration of art instruction symbols are the assortment of medias- both two and three dimensional that are used to exemplify capable affair. In add-on to more practical symbols of art instruction are the human-centered symbols which may include linking with creative persons and their work, both modern-day and historical ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . The art and trades around communities, in shops and on postings will ever be a symbol of a contemplation of art instruction ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . Another aspect of making a cultural individuality is to reflect on the cultural rites that are frequently associated with art instruction. The most evident rites include the assorted procedures that are employed to do art. It is of import to retrieve that such rituals/processes are influenced by the geographical location of the school territory ( Oliver, 2010 ) . Another cultural rite attributed to art instruction is the physical presentation that the art instructor must supply for pupils in order to learn them specific techniques. This presentation frequently includes safety safeguards as rites that the pupils will so purely employ to make art without aching themselves with the tools in the devising ( Oliver, 2010 ) . Other ritual distinctive to art instruction is the pattern of reviewing pupils ‘ art work, frequently done by the whole category in order to supply constructive feedback and unfavorable judgment of the finished piece of art. One concluding rite that should be imperative to an art instruction plan is category field trips to museums, galleries, and creative persons ‘ studios that connect the acquisition of art in the school to really sing art in the community ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . It is of import to link these cultural rites and symbols of art instruction to non merely demo how they produce a cultural individuality, but besides organize a sense of societal solidarity among pupils, instructors, and communities ( Oliver, 2010 ) . The ocular humanistic disciplines or the in writing designs are humanistic disciplines that we see. It has its ain language-the linguistic communication of feelings, emotions and thoughts without words. We could detect the universe outside and inside us through ocular humanistic disciplines. The ocular creative person through mute can pass on with us when he creates ocular work of humanistic disciplines like painting. Paintings and plants of art in general are meant to travel us, particularly in ways that words frequently ca n't. Graphic designs inspired by stuff civilization play a major function non merely in academic intents but besides in wellness and Medicare related facet and in the community every bit good. It develops the intelligence and the overall personality of the pupils. Furthermore, in writing designs inspired by stuff civilization besides provide meaningful self-expression of all pupils. It is used in therapy processs for helping kid development. It assists in educating handicapped kids, particularly those who are unsighted and have hearing jobs. And eventually, ocular humanistic disciplines besides help in edifice communities and mural undertakings. In analyzing in writing designs inspired by material civilization, it shows that ocular humanistic disciplines and cultural individuality are related. The cultural individuality is constructed through assorted marks and symbols that the civilization property to art instruction.MethodologyThis subdivision of the research proposal discusses the meth ods to be used. This illustrates the method of research that identifies its pertinence. Likewise, the subdivision illustrates how the research was to be implemented and how to come up with relevant findings. Furthermore, this methodological analysis portion of the research underwent into several phases. In the research design, the research worker collected informations from pupils and instructors in some Colleges in Singapore that are utilizing material civilization in their in writing design category. At the clip of informations aggregation, the research worker gathered and amount upped the informations acquired from these resources. Study Puting In conformity to the end of this survey i.e. to look into the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design, the research worker decided to carry on the probe in 10 Colleges in Singapore. Basically, in these 10 chosen schools in Singapore, a random sample of 10 pupils each will be chosen. The pupils to be included should be familiar to graphic design and material civilization. Research Design By and large talking, there are two research places, frequently call paradigms, which research workers can take from. The first is the quantitative paradigm in which research worker efforts to understand causal relationship of bing phenomena or efforts to spot the cogency of the theory in a peculiar societal context ( Creswell, 1994 ) . And since one of the intents of this survey determine the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design, the quantitative research place is taken here because it is appropriate for the research intent. Aside from this, the 2nd attack, called the qualitative paradigm, is non chosen. Actually, as indicated in the paper of Daymon & A ; Holloway ( 2002 ) , the qualitative design the research worker assumes this place and efforts to understand a peculiar societal phenomenon by utilizing the histrions ‘ frame of mention. In add-on, informations are presented non in numerical signifier but in existent words which is in contrast to the purpose of this research. There are few research schemes that frequently used for carry oning research such as study, instance survey, action research, Ethnography etc. Harmonizing to Yin ( 2003 ) , there are three conditions to be considered for taking an appropriate research scheme i.e. : The type of research inquiry The extent of control an research worker has over existent behavioral events. The grade of focal point on modern-day as opposed to historical events From the paper of Saunders, et Al. ( 2007 ) , study attack frequently uses questionnaires to roll up a big sum of informations from a ample population in a extremely economical manner. Therefore, the study attack is normally able to use a more representative sample among a monolithic population for the survey, seeking to accomplish generalisibility of the consequences. The instance survey, nevertheless, harmonizing to Denscombe ( 1998 ) , is an probe that focuses on elaborate, in-depth descriptions and analysis of one or a few administrations. This attack is usually use to research the phenomenon by in-depth informations gained in the research context. This implies that the research consequences gained by instance survey can non be generalized to a larger population due to that the probe scope is limited. By sing this restriction of instance survey attack, the research worker opted to take the study method. Population and Sampling Plan The sample size consists of pupils, who are the logical key source related closely to the issue under probe, every bit good as the instructors totaling to 10 topics. There is no ground to believe that 10 instructors is non a big adequate sample size because ultimately it is this person who works straight with the issue and instructors has the most intimate cognition of the topic. Basically, the study respondents are asked sing their perceptual experience towards material civilization and in writing designing and pupil ‘s public presentation. In kernel, Guilford & A ; Fruchter ( 1973 ) argued that in taking sample sizes, the Slovin ‘s expression should be considered. Therefore, in choosing the sample size ( 100 pupils ) in this paper was identified by Slovin ‘s expression. The Slovin ( 1960 ) expression is given as: Where: e= needed mistake border ( percent demand for non-precision due to the usage of the sample as an option of the population ) . N= size of population n = size of sample Data Collection Procedures Yin ( 2004 ) provides six different beginnings of informations aggregation that is normally used in instance survey methodological analysis, which include certification, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant observation and physical artefacts. The information aggregation method uses study and interview that is to take topographic point with the pupils and instructors, as these are the closest people working with the topic under examination here – Material civilization – and should function as the key source. In add-on, pupils are besides surveyed to understand how they feel about the usage of material civilization in their in writing design category since the instructor may supply colored information, nevertheless accessing the pupils is capable to the permission of the instructor who acts as the gatekeeper. If appraising the pupils is possible the study that pupils will make full out will be left on the instructors ‘ desk where they can make full it out and return it to a bead box in a closed envelope without a name or other placing information. The inquiries for the employees are created after a thorough reappraisal of literature. For certification that refers to secondary information about the material civilization and in writing designing, such considerations have been taken to cut down concerns as they would otherwise refer to bias or the dependability and cogency of the findings. Trusting on certification are used even if the pupils do take part since it strengthens the findings further ( Yin, 2003 ) . Documentation specifically includes public presentation studies and records, or books and journal articles discoursing material civilization and in writing design. Accessing of the instructor is traveling to take topographic point by first, directing the school an lineation of the survey and ethical content signifiers and arrange meeting, through the telephone or MSN given geographical restraints, to explicate what it is the research wishes to make and how it will profit the organisation. Ultimately, what the research worker wants to make is spot how preparation is able to increase pupils ‘ public presentation and the mechanisms that school in Singapore has in topographic point to guarantee this. Executing the above measure is utile since the gatekeepers are traveling to desire to protect the involvements of their pupils and the organisation ( Holloway & A ; Walker, 1999 ) . Overall, the attack above is based on dialogue, which as research workers note, â€Å" Access is negotiated and re-negotiated throughout the research procedure † ( Gubrium, & A ; Holstein, 2001, p. 301 ) . The instructor was besides assured that confidentiality – by non let go ofing information that they do non desire to be released — and namelessness – by utilizing anonym for pupils, participants and scenes — will be secured ( Daymon & A ; Holloway, 2002 ) . It is non unreasonable for the instructor to take part in the survey given the stairss executed above which are suggested by research methodological analysis practicians. Finally, research inquiries are based from the literature as is suggested by research methodological analysis practicians. Datas Analysis To find the perceptual experiences of the pupil respondents refering to material civilization and in writing design, the research worker a set of guide inquiries for the interview and prepared a questionnaire. A non-threatening questionnaire in nature that can be completed within 30 proceedingss are considered. The respondents graded each statement in the survey-questionnaire utilizing a Likert graduated table with a five-response graduated table wherein respondents are given five response picks. The tantamount weights for the replies are: When the full information consumer responses have been collected, the research worker used statistics to analyze it ; and was assisted by the SPSS in coming up with the statistical analysis for this survey. For the inside informations gathered from diaries, an rating was drawn in order to place the function of material civilization to modern-day in writing design. Furthermore, this research will use the several statistics in order to find the differences between their perceptual experiences towards the impact of material civilization on pupil ‘s public presentation and art grasp. As stated above, the research worker was aided by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ( SPSS ) in the devising and creative activity of the statistical analysis for this survey. SPSS is one of the mainly and extensively accessible and powerful statistical package bundles that has a extended scope of statistical patterns, which permits a research worker to sum up information ( e.g. cipher standard divergences and agencies ) , identify whether there are major differences between groups ( e.g. , ANOVA & A ; t-tests ) , observe relationships among variables ( e.g. multiple arrested development & A ; correlativity ) and graph end product ( e.g. line graphs, saloon charts, pie chart, etc. ) ( Sauders, Lewis & A ; Thornhill 2007 ) .Reasoning RemarksSignificance This survey will be a important enterprise in advancing civilization consciousness among in writing design pupils. This survey will be good to future leaders. By understanding the demands of the pupils and the benefits of quality instruction, these practicians will be assured of a larger advancement public presentation. Furthermore, this research will supply recommendations on how to value pupils as they are taking a big portion in the overall public presentation of the school quality instruction. This survey would besides be of aid to those school and market scientists who are interested in happening out the societal deductions of the roar and the flop stages of the school industry. Furthermore, pedagogues can derive from this survey, as they find the connexion between how they have designed their course of study and what are the existent demands of the citizens. In that manner, they would be able to do immediate alterations, if necessary, or continued betterment of their plans, through farther surveies. Furthermore, it is hoped that this survey would assist the pupils to better acquisition and grasp accomplishment through Material civilization in Art and Design at colleges in Singapore because Material civilization has many advantages/effectiveness such as keeping and motivational factors in conformity to the tilting behaviour of pupil. Therefore, pupil can travel profoundly into each subject countries they need to larn without lector engagement because material civilization is related to the history of the humanistic disciplines they are comprehending. Furthermore, this paper introduced of import alterations in our educational system and gives a immense influence to the manner we communicate information with pupils. It would do them as an active participant in their ain acquisition procedure, alternatively of merely being inactive scholars of the educational content. Apparently, this research besides hoped can provides an chance to derive a greater apprehension of the factors that impact on the pupils ‘ experiences of material civilization in larning procedure. Finally, this survey would profit future research workers in the field of the, instruction, humanistic disciplines and design direction, concern and the societal scientific disciplines since it depicts the hereafter of the school industry and its varying effects to many sectors of society. Restrictions This survey will merely cover material civilization as portion of analyzing modern-day in writing design in humanistic disciplines and design for the college pupils in some colleges in Singapore. Basically, this paper will merely cover pupils selected from semester 1, conducted from some colleges in Singapore. As there are legion issues environing the school, this research will chiefly analyze plan development and public presentation advancement. The result of this survey will be limited merely to the informations gathered from books and diaries and from the primary informations gathered from the consequence of the questionnaire study and interview that will be conducted by the research worker. As the research was completed in a comparatively short period of clip other factors and variables are non considered. This might hold an impact on the consequences of the survey. Basically this research survey will enable the research worker to plan a quality course of study that will fulfill the demands of the pupils.